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Why We Don't Provide Paper Manuals; ? DepthTrax 2BX | Boat Mount Depth Finder DT1B ~ Depthtrax 1B Boat Mount Depth Finder · DT1BX~DepthTrax 1BX Boat Transom template and instructions make this a snap to install. Make sure to purchase some Marine adhesive for the screws and the one hole through the transom. Best Reviews Guide analyzes and compares all Hawkeye Depth Finders of 2021. You can easily compare and 18% off. Hawkeye. HawkEye DT1B DepthTrax 1B.The DepthTrax 1B delivers a combination of performance and affordability unrivaled in any other depth sounder. The foundation of the DepthTrax 1B is our Hull thickness LESS than 1.25” (32 mm). Page 3. w w w . h a w k e y e e l e c t r o n i c s . c o m. If you think that the transom mount transducer is not All of our depth finders include a color coded operation and installation manuals as well as a 24 hour online tech support center. Hawkeye depth finders also
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